Where students define their future, one step at a time
Our Participants

For Students
Improved oral and written communication skills
Improved academic performance
A concrete career plan
A strong work ethic
Learning skills to become an effective leader and team player
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For Parents / Guardians
More motivated
More focused academically
More confident
Higher self-esteem
Improved oral and communication skills
Clear understandings of work ethic and teamwork
A concrete career plan before graduation
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For Schools
Great PR
Satisfies Article 339 Legislation
Less discipline referrals
More focused student population
Enhanced Career Development Program
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For Businesses
Excellent PR through newspaper articles, social media pages, and television coverage.
Student participants could be potential employees.
A great screening tool.
Making a difference in the lives of our young people.
Open House Events
Job Fairs / Career Fairs
Job Observations/ Internships
Career Videos
Field trips
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Our Proven Track Record

Feb. 25, 2021 by Justin Zackal

Shirley, a 1995 SRU graduate with a master's degree in secondary guidance and counseling, led successful school-to-career programs in North Carolina before returning to his native western Pennsylvania where he is launching Career Walk.
What Educators Are Saying
Career Developmemt Coordinator
Center for advanced Studies Coordinator
CTE Instructor (Automotive)
CTE Instructor (Agriculture)
Meet Our Board

Upcoming Event
Career Cruise
High School Juniors, Seniors, and parents will be invited to attend a career exploration event.
Tour guides will direct the participants to their department(s) of interest which may lead to a job opportunity. Each Department will provide a short presentation on the job description, starting salary, skills necessary for job success and will answer questions. The night will end with a raffle. Career Walk and Mike Kelly Automotive will sponsor this event.
- Call us 724 – 355 – 8756
- Email us
- Fill in the form
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How can you help to guide others for this program? There are many opportunities you can enroll. As a volunteer, you can take part in events like the open house.